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August for ЗMIN


7 min

31 August

As usual, onthe last day of the month, we share the results, make visible ЗMIN's involvement in the network of partnerships, andoutline the plans.

We believe,events are a tool for community building in the first place. Joint presenceplays a key role in strengthening social ties. It is a mechanism for cohesionand a sense of community involvement. Live communication helps counter the fragmentation of society by creating a spacefor collective experience and engagement. August was rich in events and meetings with partners.

The exhibition "Grand Tour. Solomiya Krushelnytska: Ukrainian prima donna of worldscenes" opened in Ternopil.

In Lviv, the exhibition will open on Krushelnytska's birthday, 23.09. The exhibitionwas designed to tell about the triumph of the Ukrainian woman on the operastage that she first had in front of a foreign audience at thePuccini Opera Festival in Italy. With the support from ZMIN,a Ukrainian-language version of the exhibition was produced.

The opening of the exhibition "Sofia Karaffa-Korbut. Return" in the House of Franko.

The exhibition aims to bring back the memory of the outstandingartist, preserve and digitize her creative heritage, and celebrate her. The project is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Sofia Karaffa-Korbut.


Dream Workshop Festival

The Dream Workshop team organized the Festival fortheir birthday – 9 years of activity. An important goal of the eventis to raise funds to support the work of Supported Living Homes and Day Centers for Youth with Disabilities. The festival contributed to raising awareness of the topic of inclusion, throughdiscussions, workshops and activities. Our partner Radio Skovoroda acted as aninformation partner. ЗMIN were invested so that the traveling studio couldwork during the day of the festival. Also, for this day, ЗMIN initiated a draw game, where everyone could personally congratulate the Dream Workshop and had the opportunity to win symbolic prizes.


Ukraїner Camp 2024

Since 2017, the camp has been a key event for the Ukrainian community. This year, it focused especially on personal andorganizational resilience, teamwork in the face of ongoing stress, andworking with complex content. The meetingtook place at Creative Residence MC6 in Slavske, ecosystem partners of ЗMIN.

Lecture of Independence "Independence, War and the Future"

This is the fourth Lecture ofIndependence (and the third lecture with the ЗMIN). The format launched by theInstitute of Cultural Strategy in 2021 is the format for August 24, the day ofrestoring Ukraine's independence. The Fourth Independence Lecturewas held in an elevated tranquility and thoughtful listening. Traditionally, on theRestoration of Independence Day of Ukraine, we meet at the Memorial of the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred in Lviv.

Mr. Vitalii emphasized that being Ukrainian is a civilizational choice of each of us, which had been madepreviously and in more difficult times by outstanding personalities such as Taras Shevchenko and Ivan Franko. The effort of these people was instrumental in the free, sovereign, anddemocratic Ukraine that we have today. We also talked about cultivatingself-sufficiency and overcoming dependence on processes in Russia. We discussed the meaning of a major war and Ukraine's right to trusted protection from partners. Most importantly, the speaker's words helpedthe audience feel hope that they would help us build a shared Ukrainian future.


2024 City Workshop

The City Workshop since 2011 shows how small urban solutions can solve big problems. Partner teams of ЗMIN are active participants in these processes.

For two days, the Tarilka team and the volunteers arranged a place forrecreation and public events in the "Tarilka" courtyard. There werealso food bank tours and film screenings with Docudays.

This year, the Plant Nursery —  the space for urban gardening and horticulture — needed involvement because the Plato team is equipping the "gardener's house."

The “place visiting” practice

This year, together with the Tarilka team, we are building institutional sustainability and creating a comfortable kitchen for the community. We like to look for interesting solutions about benefits,meaning, and added value. We do not come to visit people empty-handed, it is good that now there is a mirror in the space where everyone can see who is meaningfully changing the tomorrow.


ЗMIN ⁠invited the Action Algorithm team from Lutsk to come to Lviv.

We believe in partnerships, communication, and a cultureof openness. We are very happy to find like-minded people. There are many interesting locations, inspiredconversations, and talented people. The conclusion is certain: we can do much more in cooperationand partnership. Communication is also important. Warm, open, and informal.

Participation in programs and forums

In March, Teple Misto launched a mentoring program andnetworked 10 veteran and pro-veteran organizations of the Ivano-Frankivsk region, as well as 10 others from different cities of Ukraine, focusing on social change. Theprogram is implemented with the support of the International Renaissance Foundation

Khrystyna Boyko was involved as a mentor in the program.This month, a wrap-up meeting was held, which was a good opportunity for reflection, conversations around cohesion and common thinking.

An important event for the sector was the Masters of GoodForum organized by Forbes. This is an important event where charity sector officials, in joint conversations with business representatives reflected on the pathways of interaction in an effort to generate quality change seffectively. The summary of the event by Khrystyna Boyko is coming soon on the website.

It is important to highlight that UAH⁠ 6,350,000 UAH was fundraised at the "Masters of Good". Forbes Ukraine will spend all revenues from the event on prosthetics for patients of the Superhumans and Unbroken rehabilitation centers. Glad to be involved.


  • 5 vehicles under AUTO ZMIN program (incl. 2 units oflarge-sized special vehicles for air assault brigades)
  •  Sustainable support for the Boryviter military school
  • Monthly support to the focus area of "Equipment ofmilitary command and staff vehicles" initiated and implemented by the Serhii Prytula Foundation
  • Structural support of the Project "Systems for theFormation and Management of VolunteerAerial Reconnaissance Units", implemented by the team of the balbek bureau Foundation
  • Startof cooperation and support of the Program "Psychological Trainingand Support of Servicemen" implemented by our partner team from Boryviter

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