It is the focus area to supportthe Defense Forces. The metaphor of ripples on the water highlights theimportance of fast decision-making and rapid response while monitoring thescaling effect of the quality outcomes.
An important indicator is thecohesion of a network of teams and institutions as we can compare with them inassessment, analysis and expertise regarding the effectiveness of decisions insupporting defense capabilities.
The focus area is implementedthrough sustainable programs: the continuation of an ongoing program of vehicleprocurement with a focus on advocacy and improvement of the procedure,continuous cooperation and capacity building of teamsworking in the field of education and innovation, entry into the field ofprocurement of UAVs by Ukrainian manufacturers, joint powerful campaigns withlarge Foundations, close cooperation with Special Forces and the purchase ofexpensive technical and swimming equipment, inclusion in the discussionplatforms on strategic issues of today's challenges and development.
The sustainable partnership is an adaptiveformat generated by the experience of ЗMIN, where we build interaction with apartner organization not instrumentally or one-time, but also "on apeer-to-peer basis.” We consider such a partnership in a comprehensiveway, where financial support is supplemented by resources, expertise, andcommunication. Here, we rely on local and cross-sectoral activities.
Cooperation and scaling-up of thepreviously supported projects was difficult. Implementation of innovative ideasand senses in empowerment and co-creation. Win-win cooperation.
Development of new tools forthe convenience and autonomy of teams, and capacity enhancement. Promotion ofdiversification of funding sources for non-profit organizations, andalternative fundraising tools.
Scholarship support is based oninstitutional cooperation and aims to empower students, teachers, researchers, andprofessional groups to gain new knowledge, strengthen expertise, and scale the capacity.
Partnership, information, andfinancial support for landmark events, exhibitions, forums, or other publicformats focused on articulating important public themes and issues.
Short-term high-qualityinteraction to support social initiatives that work effectively andmeaningfully in the interests of society.
We strengthen promising ideasand projects, contributing to their implementation and scaling.
Investments from ЗMIN focus on theinitiatives that are not only financially driven but also have a profoundimpact on society, addressing important social issues and driving sustainabledevelopment.
Projects in partnership. Developing the best tools,strategies, and solutions in interaction. Targeted at long-term activities.
The best ideas and solutionsfor change emerge at the intersection of multiple perspectives and acrossdisciplines. The combination of efforts and cooperation is instrumental tomeaningful change.
A platform for dialogue,joining efforts for the interaction of the public sector, businesses, managers,philanthropists, and government agencies. Providing opportunities forsystematic expert activity and strengthening effective providers of socialchange is the Foundation’s strategic goal.
There are problems and needsthat can be tackled through articulating and naming them in the first place. Communication campaigns,coverage of topics that the Foundation and the partner community engage in.
Our approach to partnership isbased on the principles of equality and interaction. We do not provideassistance but try to create an atmosphere of mutual support, where eachpartner retains their agency and has the opportunity to fulfill theirpotential. For us, caring means paying attention to the needs and challenges ofour partners, as well as providing them with the necessary resources to achievecommon goals.
We focus on long-termrelationships where support is reciprocal and aimed at sustainable developmentand growth.